Air Wand

Air Wand


Air Wand


Make barista-style beverages at home for a fraction of the cost using the Air Wand! 

30 cm (10 in)

Can froth up to 8½ cups (2 L) at a time. 

FEATURES: Choose from 3 speeds on the Air Wand to make the fluffiest barista-style latte foam in minutes. Includes 1200 mAh rechargeable lithium battery with USB cable. 

 QUICK AND EASY: Two, stainless steel whisking heads that are detachable for easy cleanup. 

ENDLESS OPTIONS: Make the fluffiest, frothiest barista-style foam for your cappuccinos, lattes, or other hot drinks with the frother attachment. Or, make chilled, whipped coffees, whipped cream, eggs, or sauces with the whisk attachment. 
